Dacon Rescue Scoop RSC
Power- assisted method of recovery for smaller crafts.
Dacon Rescue Scoop RSC is the model used for smaller vessels such as SAR, Pilots and Daughter Crafts.
It is a semi-rigid rescue net operated by a standard deck crane or custom crane solution. The Scoop is suspended from the ship’s side and it provides an effective, rough weather recovery system with a rescue reach of about 2-3 m depending on dimensions and crane reach. The casualty is recovered in a horizontal position with full body support to avoid further injury or shock.
The Dacon Rescue Scoop is tailored to each specific vessel, so please contact us with the GA drawing in order to find the best possible solution for you.
The equipment is compactly stowed in a crib on the inside of the railing and we have produced slim-profile cradle solutions for vessels where there is limited available space. The Scoop is light-weight and flexible and provides a gentle recovery also for injured, exhausted or unconscious persons in the water.
The RSC model can be supplied together with a small custommade, lightweight crane solution for vessels that do not have a suitable or existing crane for this purpose.